Jai Mahesh Tambola is an online Indian housie game which you can play with your real friends, family members around the world. Tambola is one of the most played Indian housie games and It is a fun game to play with family and friends anytime and anywhere. Jai Mahesh Tambola is not limit of player. you can use this App to play for Kitty Party Member, with your own style..
All a player needs to know is how to play Tambola game on an online platform and how to prize distributed.
The Tambola ticket on the app has 3 horizontal rows/lines and 9 vertical columns with a total of 27 boxes. Each line has 5 numbers on it and four boxes are left blank. Thus, a ticket has a total of 15 numbers.
Some Popular Winning Combinations
1. Early Five : The ticket that is first to have any 5 called numbers.
2. Four Corners : The ticket that is first to have all the four corners called numbers. The four corners are 1st and last numbers of top and bottom rows.
3. Top Line : The ticket that is first to have all the 5 numbers of the top horizontal line as called numbers.
4. Middle Line : The ticket that is first to have all the 5 numbers of the middle horizontal line as called numbers.
5. Bottom Line : The ticket that is first to have all the 5 numbers of the bottom horizontal line as called numbers.
6. Full House : The ticket that is first to have all the 15 numbers as called numbers.